• ডাঃ লালা সৌরভ দাস,কনসালটেন্ট এন্ডোক্রাইনোলজিস্ট, এখন থেকে সিলেটের সোবহানীঘাটে ওয়েসিস হাসপাতালে ছুটির দিন বাদে বিকেল ৫টা - ৮টা রোগী দেখবেন।

  • শারীরিকভাবে সুস্থ থাকতে পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্নতা মেনে চলুন

    মানবদেহের সংক্রামক রোগসমূহ আমাদের দেহে প্রবেশ করে অপরিষ্কার পরিবেশে জীবনযাপনের জন্য। এমনকি সংক্রামক নয় এমন রোগসমূহও প্রবল আকার ধারন করে এমন পরিবেশে। তাই নিজের, পরিবারের এবং সমাজের সবার নিরাপত্তার স্বার্থে পরিষ্কার পরিছন্নতায় গুরুত্ব দিন।

  • শাঁকসবজি সহ পুষ্টিকর সুষম খাদ্যতালিকা মেনে খাবার গ্রহন করুন

    ডায়াবেটিস, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, রক্তের চর্বি বৃদ্ধি, দেহের ওজন বৃদ্ধি, ক্যান্সার সহ নানা সমস্যার সমাধান দিতে পারে সুষম খাদ্যতালিকা মেনে পরিমিত পরিমানে খাবার গ্রহনের অভ্যাসটি। এরই সাথে নিয়মিত ব্যায়াম, শারীরিক পরিশ্রম এবং পর্যাপ্ত ঘুম অত্যাবশ্যক।

  • বাসায় নিয়মিত ডায়াবেটিস পরিমাপের গুরুত্ব

    ডায়াবেটিস রোগীর নিজের রক্তের সুগার নিজে পরিমাপের গুরুত্ব অপরিসীম। একজন ডায়াবেটিস রোগী নিজের রক্তের সুগার মেনে নিজেই বুঝতে পারেন তা নিয়ন্ত্রনের মাঝে আছে কিনা এবং হাইপোগ্লাইসেমিয়া (রক্তের সুগার অতিরিক্ত কমে যাওয়া) নির্ণয় করে তা প্রতিরোধ করতে পারেন।

  • 1st BES-MAYO Advance Course in Endocrinology in Bangladesh

    The mid of 2018 brings an exciting news for Bangladeshi Endocrinologists. Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center based in Rochester, Minnesota, focused on integrated clinical practice, education, and research and also world's number one Endocrine center is going to arrange a "Advance Course in Endocrinology" in collaboration with Bangladesh Endocrine Society on 24th-25th January, 2019

Doctors Day & Some thoughts..

Again writing on a special event. It's 30th March and It's Doctors Day. Probably Health Care is one of the oldest profession in the world, since the birth of mankind aimed to reduce people's sufferings from diseases and disasters. Though considered to be the noblest profession, was not always honest that I must agree. Throughout the centuries, many experiments has taken place in sake of development of medicine, that were extremely cruel and against the humanity. Even old medical procedures were life threatening & cost value of countless lifes. Against all odd, recent advancement of medicine brought the humanity great pleasure of living healtfully. Health is the most valuable wealth & doctors deal with it. It's a great responsibility and great honour and I like to believe all doctors feel that way. But still some sort of misconnection occurs between patients & doctors. Lackings can be from both side, doctors may fail to give attention enough, or the patient can be so much frustrated that he can blame the doctors for all his mistakes. Recently with advancement of medical science of cost of treatment is getting higher. People often seems to blame doctors for that. But truth is what if you were born some thousands year ago when there is no treatment available at all? I'm not saying that all doctors are 100% pure hearted, but it's most of the doctors moral obligation to do good for society. Good doctor is the one who treats his/her patient just like he/she like to get treated by others, and good patient is the one who does know to take responsibilities for his own mistakes. My message to open both eyes and mind before judging both doctors & patients.

In the end, Happy Doctors Day for both Doctors and Medical Students who are going to be a Doctor oneday.

Glorious Independence Day of Bangladesh

It has been 41 years since 26th March 1971, the day regarded as our Independence Day. Like all Bangladeshi, I feel my pride for the day. Our nation achieved it's honour through fighting for it's rights and facing all tough situations with great courage & bravery. We maybe a poor developing country of southeast Asia, but we have a golden history that differentiate from us from all. Our people never learned to compromise with unjustified acts. They maybe late in response, but when they have raisen their voice and shouted for freedom, even the toughest and cruelest cold blooded acts failed to hold them.
Even since 41 year has been passed, still there are corruption hunting our nation from inside. Our nation failed to achieve it's rightful place. In the day of our independence, let us promise ourself to regain our old glory & strength by eliminating corruption inside ourselves once again and for all.
Happy Independence Day, Government Republic of Bangladesh!


World Tuberculosis Day

What do we first imagine when we think of TB? Most probably all of us image a  sick-looking person coughing so violently that his whole body is shaking. That's just a form of tuberculosis. It can effect Gastrointestinal Tract, Lymph Nodes, Internal Genitalia, almost all other parts of body including Brain. TB affecting Respiratory Tract is most common and probably most discussed. In developing countries it's a common occurrence. In medical science it's called Pulmonary Form of Tuberculosis. TB affecting other organs even affecting cover of lungs, that is "pleura" fall under the term of Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis. 

The term Disseminated Tuberculosis use to mean Involvement of 2 or more organs by TB. Pulmonary Tuberculosis is quite easy to detect, as symptom complex are have more characteristic features like Cough, Weight Loss and Evening rise of Temperature. Any Cough that persists more than 3 weeks gives a suspicion of Tuberculosis & Should be properly screened by Sputum Examination and Tuberculin (A Marker associated with TB) Test. On the other hand Extra-pulmonary TB is varies in symptom, A TB affecting Gastrointestinal Tract is doesn't present classically, and often hard to detect. Medicine is finding problem not only with detection of Tuberculosis that presents with various form but also with treatment. Multi Drug Resistant TB is emerging from the mutation of TB Bacteria so classical drugs are losing it's function. New second generation drugs are more toxic and have more side effect and those are not good enough like first generation drugs too. A Multi-drug resistant TB infected person can transmit disease to another person who will have same MDR TB.

All form of tuberculosis is giving headache of Health workers as well as Government nowadays. Treatment cost is rising due to MDR TB. Still we are in hope of controlling it someday. Today, 24th March is World Tuberculosis Day and we are in hope of seeing a Tuberculosis Free World some day ahead. World will certainly be a better place without Tuberculosis.

Learn More:

My Stop TB Website: mystoptb.org 

Tuberculosis: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis

এক নজরে...

ডাঃ লালা সৌরভ দাস

এমবিবিএস, ডিইএম (বারডেম), বিসিএস (স্বাস্থ্য)

ডায়াবেটিস, থাইরয়েড এবং হরমোন বিশেষজ্ঞ (এন্ডোক্রাইনোলজিস্ট)

সহকারী সার্জন, স্বাস্থ্য অধিদপ্তর, মহাখালী, ঢাকা

কনসালটেন্ট, ওয়েসিস হাসপাতাল, সিলেট

প্রাক্তন আবাসিক চিকিৎসক (মেডিসিন), পার্কভিউ মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল

মেম্বার অফ বাংলাদেশ এন্ডোক্রাইন সোসাইটি

মেম্বার অফ আমেরিকান এ্যাসোসিয়েশন অফ ক্লিনিকাল এন্ডোক্রাইনোলজিস্ট


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